Hong Kong Bus Route Display Alliance
香港巴士路線牌聯盟  > Asakusa  > Richwyn

The Great Richwyn

Overview Map


Quick Facts

Name of City
The Great Richwyn
13.14 km²

Enjoy your pleasing tour in the hustle and bustle of a city, and find your way to go through vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the plains and hills.

In this city we have incorporated some elements of Hong Kong bus operations to add some fun. No worries if you are a foreigner, the following guides will give you a good summary. Vimmy

Creative Commons Licence
Great Richwyn MOD for Omnibus Simulator by
Asakusa Workshop, Hong Kong Bus Route Display Alliance
is licenced under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Hong Kong License.
Based on a work at Omnibus Simulator.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at HKBRDA.


Downloads page


Depot Parade

Operating Knowledge